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Interview with Heavy Midgets

Heavy Midgets are a four piece band from Richmond, Virginia. Their first full length LP, Super King, was released in 2013 and we can't get enough of it. We finally got to ask them some questions about how they started, their influences, living in Virginia and much more.

For the people who don't know who you are, could you give them a brief history or overview of the band.

We have been around for four years now, since 2011, and have put out three releases. We all come from singer/songwriter backgrounds with the exception of Brendan our drummer and we all are from Northern Virginia and moved to Richmond, again, with the exception of Brendan. Weird!


Judging by the sound of your album Super King, it seems like you guys take inspiration from a wide range of influences. Talk about some of those influences.

We all listen to and love music in pretty much every form it comes in with the exception of maybe dub step... Which we could probably even appreciate in some way if we had the right drugs. We all basically agree with each other in what we like from all the different areas of music that inform our music and inspire us. 


In an age where it seems like bands try to get a slicker, more streamlined sound, your music seems to retain an edge that is lacking in a lot of modern music. Was that a conscious effort on your part or was it just based out of necessity?

Partially both. We aren't classically trained musicians- we are coming from a punk rock background of figure it out as you go cause you need to express yourself. But also people work everything out with such precision that a lot of the time they erase any soul the music had in the first place. We want to preserve the feeling the music has as best we can.


You guys are based out of Richmond, Virginia. Is there a strong music scene there?

Yes very. It has been a stronghold of metal and punk since the 70s and before that was the "Harlem of the south". Now recognition seems to be turning it's eye to Richmond. Metal bands on Richmond's local heavy music label Forcefield Records like Windhand and Inter Arma  among others have received high praise and reviews on year end lists and Pitchfork. Matthew White has blown up big and No B.S Brass has been on NPR etc etc.... We are very proud of the music scene here. There are different sub-scenes in the scene but there is a lot of cross pollination and support, more maybe than most places.


If at all, how does living in the south influence your music?

The south might add to the grittiness you might be hearing in our music haha. There's not a huge difference between us and some hillbillies besides us probably reading a lot more frequently and not being ignorant racists. 


Getting into the album, songs like "Nothing New" and "Power Hunger" sound like "Chairs Missing"-era Wire filtered through a 90's lens. What was the genesis of those songs and please elaborate on your songwriting process in general.

First off you couldn't have stroked our ego more effectively haha. Wire are one of our heros for sure. Charlanne and John write songs and then bring them to the band where everything is fully realized, but they have pretty much the same song writing process. Either they hear a song or a riff or melody in their heads or stumble onto a chord progression that seems to have a pure and real quality. Usually a line of gibberish forms or is given to them from the ether and the lyrics come and end up making sense. Something like that.


What can we expect from the band in the future? Do you have a tour planned or any new music in the works?

We already have a new full length album's worth of material and are in the process of releasing two videos for Laundry and Daylight Savings off of Super King. We are planning to tour at the end of summer down south, up through the Midwest and down the northeast coast for like two weeks. 


Lightning Round:

Favorite album of the moment?

John- The Modern Lovers The Modern Lovers

Ian- Swans To Be Kind

Charlanne- George Harrison  All Things Must Pass (my favorite always and forever)

Brendan- Pale Saints The Comforts Of Madness


Best concert you ever attended?

John- the Ty Segall show at our local venue Strange Matter in 2011 that inspired Charlanne and I to start a rock and roll band.

Charlanne- Same as John, it was a very meaningful moment.

Ian- Bonnie 'Prince' Billy at the Transfigurations Fest in Asheville circa 2011 (?)

Brendan- Either the Ty Segall and Thee Oh Sees show at Strange Matter in 2012, or when I saw the Pixies (minus Kim Deal) play an acoustic set this past winter at a Capitol Ale House in town...because that was surreal.


What artist is your guilty pleasure?

John- Tool...

Ian-The Moody Blues? Not sure how guilty I should feel.

Charlanne- I'm a meditation music junkie, I listen to a lot of cheesy New Age music by many different artists, but Iasos stands out among the others.

Brendan- Justin Timberlake


First album you ever bought?

John- Nirvana In Utero and Radiohead The Bends... Changed my life.

Ian-  Bought 3 tapes: Greenday Insomniac; Alice in Chains - s/t; Oasis Whats the Story Morning Glory?

Charlanne- The self titled Aaliyah album

Brendan- Now That's What I Call Music! Volume 2


Favorite power pop band?

John- depends what you consider power pop but probably Guided By Voices

Ian- Either GBV or Big Star

Charlanne- Aztec camera

Brendan- Guided By Voices










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